Amelia Taylor
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Amelia Taylor is a lecturer in Artificial Intelligence at the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS), formerly the University of Malawi, the Polytechnic. She teaches Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence and programming modules. In addition, she teaches and supervises MSc and PhD students. Dr Taylor is currently conducting research in OHDSI OMOP, data mining and visualisation for health data, Natural Language Processing, AI for Legal text. In 2021 she joined the INSPIRE Network as the PI for MUBAS working on the INSPIRE PEACH project to harmonise Covid-19 data in Malawi and Kenya using OHDSI OMOP by leveraging on AI and Data Science technologies. The project aligns to Dr. Taylor’s passing to improve participation and reduce barriers to collaborative research. In terms of NLP, she works jointly with colleagues at the University of Mauritius on speech voice based personal assistants for mental health. Dr. Taylor graduated with a PhD in Mathematical Logic from Heriot-Watt University in 2006 where I was part of the ULTRA group. After that she worked as a research assistant on a project with Heriot-Watt University and the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh, aiming at developing an intelligent query language and meta-data for astronomical data. From 2006 to 2013, Amelia Taylor worked in finance in the City of London and Edinburgh - she built risk models for asset allocation and liability-driven investments. In 2013, she joined the University of Malawi.